Hey everyone! I created this blog to have a place to organize my thoughts. I think a lot...(sometimes TOO much)...and I express my thoughts & feelings best in written form. I absolutely LovE to write, and I use writing not only just for fun, but as a sort of escape. Poems, journal entries, random daily thoughts...no matter what form they come in, they are a wonderful release, and an even better way to showcase how I feel and who I am. I hope you all enjoy and possibly even relate to the things I'll be posting on this blog... =)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I wrote this months ago.  I've always been a reader, writer, school-nerd if you will.... and learning is a passion in my eyes.  You can never know too much.  And the feeling you get when you can answer questions others can't, or you receive answers that you are dying to receive....is a feeling of empowerment.  It feels good.  So don't hesitate to ask questions, dig for answers, or share what you know with others...

Hunger pangs strike quite frequent,
although food is an ineffective treatment.
It’s power.
More than dinner, I need it.
A question provokes an answer, so when I ask one,
my brain is aching to receive it.
Be it scientific theories, religious histories, or mere trivial simplicities,
enlightenment satiates,
so indulge,
because it is a beautiful taste to waste.
To be gluttonous for intelligence seems not so sinful…
One can learn through books,
or one can learn accidental.
Fuck credentials.
Embrace and don’t decay your potential.
I devour education daily,
through all aspects of my beautiful life.
My wins and my losses, my undeniable strength,
my schooling, my family,
through grief-stricken strife.
That’s life.
I live and I learn…
from my wrongs and your rights,
from insight,
from innate goodness, and from cold-hearted spite..
from each single one of life’s red and green lights…
Knowledge streams from all things,
so from all things I bite.
Take that, appetite.
Yet still the hunger to know things puts up an unsatisfied fight…
When my mind digests, it craves more,
and I keep it open to receive it.
Intellect and wisdom give you the world and let you perceive it.
The way you want, the way you feel,
they are like nourishment,
like all things needed…
Brain energy and stimulation,
I need it.
So when learning finds you, snatch it up
open your mind, and feed it.
When hunger roars, let knowledge appease it.
I am no genius,
but I know enough to know,
that I don’t know that much…
Well-fed yet starving I remain,
believe it.


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